Artist Statement

Marina’s multi-cultural and multi-lingual background has influenced her work with regards to how perception and place influence travel and memory. Travel encompasses movement through landscape, roadscape, and cityscape. For Marina, travel is a process of discovery: of discovering the landscape at the large and small scale; of geological and anthropological discovery; of artistic self-discovery. Memory is influenced by the eye of the beholder and by the circumstances in which the memory was forged. How memories are created through travel affects one’s perception of place. These themes inform Marina’s work, whether through printmaking, photography, painting, writing, or film. With the multiple images created in printmaking and photography, Marina has made artist books, postcard series, and completed various mailing projects which reflect upon travel and displacement.

As Marina’s work has recently shifted towards performance-based work, the same ideas about perception and place-making have become an integral part of that exploration. Whether it is for the performance events or the theatre-making, places, as embodied by the space or the text, and perception, as experienced by the participants or the spectators, are points of departure in the collaborative making of the pieces.